Numerological calculations
Easily calculate your Life Path, Expression Number and dozens of other numerological parameters with the free version of our online numerology program.
Try NuméyogaPRO for free!"Everything relating to knowledge bears a number."
Philolaus (Pythagorean philosopher)
The fruit of decades of study, our numerology dictionary is intended for professionals who wish to build a reliable database of analyses and interpretations based on the definitions provided. The informed amateur will also find there a very abundant source of information.
Entirely encrypted, it works exclusively with MonDico software (the free version without possibility of modification or the full version allowing you to customize it).
From 0 to the letter Z, more than 2300 entries, integrating our latest researches (Number Force, Numerotype, Aspects between numbers...). Develop this exclusive database of your own analyses and knowledge.
The Number Force is the number most present in a theme. It is like the dominant color of a painting. This is why any study should be conducted keeping in mind that this number colors and shades all the interactions of the theme. Sometimes its intensity is such that it overwhelms all other parameters.
However, we often have two or even three Numbers Forces, a kind of duet or trifecta winning numbers in a theme. For the first time, we reveal all the meanings.
With our dictionary:
While mathematics is the emerging part of Number, there is a whole hidden metaphysical dimension. Whatever your method of apprehending it, all the content of this dictionary can be reinvested in your work and research. Because the meaning of Number is universal.
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Easily calculate your Life Path, Expression Number and dozens of other numerological parameters with the free version of our online numerology program.
Try NuméyogaPRO for free!In-depth study of personality, including an analysis in the areas of career guidance and health. Performed on the basis of our professional program.
Offer yourself a readingPassion or reason? Measure free of charge the compatibility of first names, surnames and birth dates between you and your partner thanks to numerology and our exclusive method.
Assessing your potential for partnershipTo discover in our complete numerology manual in 2 volumes. The importance of the resonance of the mother's name. We are aware that this key is disturbing in a patriarchal world :-)
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